libdvdcss2 installed, but encrypted DVDs no longer play

Jeremy Malcolm Jeremy at
Sat Dec 23 04:32:35 UTC 2006

My DVD drive has stopped playing region encrypted DVDs - doesn't matter 
what player (MythTV, mplayer, xine...).  However, libdvdcss2 has always 
been installed (originally the PLF one, but I'm currently trying 
1.2.9-2medibuntu1) and I'm not aware that anything else has changed 
since it was working.

I'm almost thinking it's a sudden hardware problem, but is that even 
possible?  It plays non-encrypted content fine.  Does anyone have any 
ideas?  How would I troubleshoot this further?


Jeremy Malcolm LLB (Hons) B Com
Internet and Open Source lawyer, IT consultant, actor
host -t NAPTR|awk -F! '{print $3}'

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