Xubuntu (Reversion to 6.06 Makes Things Work)

Irena and Richard Jenkins richard.jenkins at internode.on.net
Thu Dec 21 23:51:46 UTC 2006

Bearing in mind that the full name for all versions of 6.06 was LTS (ie. Long 
Term Support) ... and that this still has a year to go, I reverted to 6.06.  
It installed perfectly without 'work-arounds' ... and now is updated.  For 
this old celeron 366 with 96 Meg of RAM ... it's the appropriate solution.  I 
do not understand why version 6.10 only half-found my wifi card ... and 
prevented me from installing and configuring it.  Never mind ... I can wait 
until the next LTS is released.

Thanks to all who offered solutions, thoughts and help.  Merry Xmas and a 
Happier New Year!!

Irena and Richard Jenkins
Canberra,  AUSTRALIA

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