Rhythmbox : need help with music sharing...

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Dec 20 22:31:41 UTC 2006

Matthew Nicholson <sjoeboo at sjoeboo.com> wrote:
> Well, avahi/zeroconf, as i understand it, will only broadcast to/look
> for services on, you "local" subnet. So, in my home network, my ip
> scheme is 192.168.15.*, so, even if I have a system right next to my
> desktop, if it doesn't have a 192.168.15.* ip (let say i gave it a
> 192.168.240.* address), they "shouldn't" be able to see each other with
> avahi/zerconf.
> Since most users are set up this way, instead of being directly
> connected, people only see things "around" or "near" , at least in terms
> of the network layout.
> I would guess , since you are "directly" connected, you are picking up
> people running iTunes/rhythmbox etc else where on the network (your
> ISP's most likley) that are within the same subnet as you...

Ahhhh, interesting ! So that means that at any given time, I am
potentially connected to up to 255 strangers then, which are never the
same as my ISP changes the IP every 24 hours or so I think.
So that means that there is no way to share services with friends
securely/privately via internet then, as you are never alone on a
subnet, obviously... :-/
So Avahi really is purely designed for local networks only then, and
should be disabled otherwise.

> I would go to System->ADministration->Networking, click on the General
> Tab, and uncheck the "automatic service discovery" checkbox.

Oh, thanks for pointing out this option ! I had not noticed it, it's
new isn't it ?! I unchecked it and hey presto, no network
play lists show up anymore, yahoo ! :o)

> oh, also if by chance you have wireless, you could be picking up people
> on the same AP as you...

Nope, no wireless anything here... just good ol' cables ;-)


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