Gmail ???

ben darby ben at
Wed Dec 20 06:50:43 UTC 2006

* Steve Flynn wrote:
> On 18/12/06, Scott <geekboy at> wrote:
> >
> >So what's wrong with it?
> >
> >First off - mailing lists!
> >
> >For some reason (that only some "genius" at Google can grasp) Gmail does
> >not include your messages in anything you send to a malling list.  You
> >won't see them. They don't show up.  That doesn't mean they didn't get
> >to the list,. Google just doesn't think you need to see them as long as
> >everyone else does.
> I read this list, the IBM-MAIN list and the REXX list via Gmail. I see all
> my posts and I see all replies. Perhaps you've got your mailing list
> configured to NOT send you your own replies - what you are describing is not
> a gmail issue.
> This can be confusing to say the least.  It's been brought to Google's
> >attention on many occasions but they seem to think this "feature" is a
> >keeper.
> >
> Got any cite's for this?

ben darby
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