Old pc faster than ecent

Brad Johnson brad at bkjohnson.com
Fri Dec 15 10:46:10 UTC 2006

Not to be argumentative, you could be correct, but once the laptop is
loaded and he can view system monitor, many processes have loaded and
already gone to sleep (therefore freeing up RAM). It will be when those
processes are loading or are being used that will put his memory usage
over the 256MB and cause the use of swap.

On Fri, 2006-12-15 at 08:18 +0100, Carsten Aulbert wrote:
> Brad Johnson wrote:
> > Personally, I don't know why anyone would buy a laptop WITHOUT a 7200RPM
> > HDD.
> Because it runs hotter and is more noisy than a 5400 or even 4200rpm drive?
> Also, a 7200rpm model consumes about twice the wattage than a 4200 or a
> good 5400rpm model, e.g. look through the hitachigst.com pages.
> Back to OP:
> Even if the swap is used, he writes that only 145 of his 256 MB of RAM
> are used. I guess that the system pushed something unused into swap to
> have more room for buffer caches and the like.
> It would be interesting to see what services are running, thus:
> Can you please provide us with the output of
> ps aux
> then we might see, if there really is a resource bottleneck lurking around.
> Cheers
> Carsten

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