Ubuntu on a 486?

Martin Marcher martin.marcher at openforce.com
Wed Dec 13 06:14:04 UTC 2006


Am 13.12.2006 um 06:38 schrieb Adriano Varoli Piazza:

> Did my other mail not arrive? It said: running Linux on a 486 is all
> well and good, but not necessarily the objective Ubuntu has. I'd
> rather not dilute Ubuntu to gain something that runs everywhere. After
> all, we already have Debian for this. Or NetBSD.

Jumping in here,

I'm curious, what would you (or all the other people) gain if ubuntu  
dropped support for everything under a $CPU_IN_QUESTION

According to that ubuntu could also drop support for those nice  
little sparc boxes it just got certified for. We could drop this  
support that's not the objective of ubuntu, you can run netbsd or  
debian on these boxes....



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