install and removing apps.... cleaning

Gregor Tudan G.Tudan at
Sat Dec 9 22:59:54 UTC 2006

Gerry Visel schrieb:
> On Sat, 2006-12-09 at 21:12 +0100, Gregor Tudan wrote:
>> Richard schrieb:
>>> when using synaptic to install apps, to try them out, then remove them,
>>> is synaptic also removing the libs & other files, that the application 
>>> needed at the time of install,
>>> for the app, when using remove completely.
>>> also, how can one check to see, if there are any libs (left overs) in 
>>> the lib or bin,
>>> folder (I think) that are NOT really needed by ANY application, OR the 
>>> system,
>>> other words, parts of application, that are sitting there and not being 
>>> used by nothing.
>>> is there a command to clean out left overs?
>>> Thanks -
>>> Rich
>> Not to forget the apt-get autoclear to remove outdated packages or
>> packages which were installed in order to fullfill dependencies and are
>> no longer needed....
>    How about apt-get autoclean?  (autoclear didn't work.)
> Gerry 
Ooops, I'm sorry, your right :->
Shame on me....

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