Disk problem: After resize, Gparted shows 8.46 Gb used but actual usage only 2.3 Gb

Johan Ramm-Ericson ubuntu at ramm-ericson.se
Mon Dec 4 09:32:03 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-12-04 at 03:39 +0000, Chanchao wrote:
> I have a ReiserFS /home partition that used to be 9 or so Gb but as I
> use only 2.3 Gb of it I wanted to resize it to make it smaller, say 3.5
> Gb or so, then move it so I can extend my almost full Fat32 Windows
> documents partition. 
> While resizing though, it seems Gparted crashed.  It just disappeared,
> the whole window. 

Ouuch! Shrinking a Reiser3 filesystem online is something I'd definitely
not do.

> Since then, the partition still shows to be the same size, but almost
> full! 8.46 Gb but I only use the same 2.3 Gb.. (du -h /home confirms
> this)
> Do now what do I do?  Tried reiserfsck but it did not find anything
> wrong, also not with the -z option. 
> I was going to make a backup and delete the whole partition and then
> re-create it, or does anyone here have a better idea how to solve this?

If you didn't before - make a backup now. You should always backup
regardless... Yes, I'd go with recreating the partition.

> Also it seems I cannot MOVE a reiserfs partition.. I need to do this to
> make the space needed to extend my documents partition.  Can this be
> done?  I don't want to install Ubuntu all over again. 

Sorry, I have no input there.

Good luck,

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