
Kristian Rink kristian at zimmer428.net
Mon Dec 4 09:14:02 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1


John Dangler schrieb:
> I'd like to upgrade my production LAMP server (currently running 5.10)
> to 6.06 LTS.  My concern is losing all of the configuration information
> for things like qmail, dns/bind9, mysql, apache2, etc.

Can't really be too much of help I guess as, even though I upgraded our
systems lately (moving to dapper from Debian unstable), I didn't
"really" do an upgrade but actually migrated configuration and data to
new machines installed from scratch on new hardware.

If this is an option to you, I'd recommend this as the way to go, as
this way you could step-by-step build your new system, move over any
configuration / data files and ensure things are working as desired.
Don't know about 5.10 LAMP server, but I bet (this being a production
machine) there is enough data and need of availability at stake to go
the "trial-and-error" way.

If you don't have a spare machine for that, you possibly might try the
free(-of-charge) VMWare server to build yourself a Dapper testbed
system. Then:

- - Install a blank Dapper there, including the packages you need
(servers, tools, ...).

- - Move configuration to there and get them up and running, until you do
have a "working copy" of your old machine on the new distribution.

- - Move your data to the "new" server.

- - Make use of some sort of live filesystem (Knoppix, ...) on the server
to repartition your drive, build new filesystems and move your newly
installed server from the virtual machine to the "real" machine using rsync.

Good luck in whatever you'll ultimately be doing,

- --
Kristian Rink * http://zimmer428.net * http://flickr.com/photos/z428/
jab: kawazu at jabber.ccc.de * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
"One dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together
is the beginning of a new reality." (Hundertwasser)
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