Transparency, Community? (was Re: List-Id Changed why? )

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Aug 30 13:30:01 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 29 August 2006 15:23, Peter Garrett wrote:
> Reply to: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
> <ubuntu-users at>

From a user interface perspective for those of use who read the list on a 
small screen (a Palm Trao 600 in my case), this is a definite step back.  The 
new longer version takes up over half the screen.  Usually I can't even see 
the subject line without scrolling down.  Given the volume of this list, this 
is a significant annoyance to me.

Here's a suggestion:

Make sure the list charter is correctly described in the welcome message to 
the list.  If it's changed, post it here.  Don't depend on the text applied 
to the reply to: address to tell people.  I don't think all MUAs even display 
that by default.


Reply to: <ubuntu-users at>

Scott K

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