Dapper corrupts Dell laptop BIOS!

Francisco Borges f.borges at rug.nl
Tue Aug 29 10:54:26 UTC 2006

ยป On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 03:41AM -0700, Tod Merley wrote:

> Hi again Francisco Borges!
> Just on of those late night thoughts as I reread some of this.  What
> if the problem is that Linux somehow uses access to the CMOS in a way
> that tends to draw down the battery?  That would make having a new,
> fresh battery (well connected) a critical item, and would explain why
> some posters (your name) have problems that come back "after a few
> days" (battery more used or in a colder enviornment??) and why there
> are so many 6400s out there with no such problem and why those with
> the problem seem to be unable to predict when it will happen or not.

Did you read the bug report?

If you feel like doing anything useful. instead of just attacking me,
please go read the bug report and, if you think, that the explanation is
so obvious, post it there.


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