
Allan Spagnol Comar allan.comar at
Mon Aug 28 21:13:29 UTC 2006


Answer 1,
All of the services you installed uses direct initialization calls at
boot ( look at /etc/init.d/ to see the initialization scripts )

Answer 2,
if You want to install any service on inetd you can, instead of using init.d

holpe it helps, Allan

On 8/28/06, Kevin Philp <kevin at> wrote:
> I have just installed a Ubuntu desktop (Dapper, 6.06). I then installed
> Apache2, Mysql, SSH, Postfix, NIS, NFS and Squid. When I checked inet.d I
> noticed that not a single service was included, the configuration file is
> completely empty.
> So my questions are:
> 1. What services (from the list above) generally use inet.d and how do I set
> them up.
> 2. Why is inet.d installed if it isn't doing anything?
> Kevin.
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An application asked:
"Requires Windows 9x, NT4 or better",
so I´ve installed Linux

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