
Norman Silverstone norman at
Fri Aug 25 17:56:52 UTC 2006

> OK :) So it is executable. Good to know.
> > 
> > < snip >
> > 
> > > Third, in the "Command" field, type the full path to the now executable
> > > file, which would be
> > 
> > > ( or /home/your-username/Desktop/yourfolder/file-to-execute )
> > 
> > I did this but, when I clicked the icon on the desktop nothing happened.
> Well, that's odd. Are you quite sure the path is correctly typed ?
> ( sounds absurdly obvious, I know)

Very reasonable question but I took special care to make sure my typing
was correct.
> What is this mysterious application? Perhaps that might be a clue to its
> misbehaviour ;-)

The application is called AstroStack3 which enables the stacking of
imaages from videos.
> >  .
> >
> > Because I am very ignorant about the workings of Linux so tend to take
> > the easy way out.
> I like the honesty of the answer ! ( I haven't forgotten my own early days
> with Linux, and how puzzling some things seemed then) .
< snip >

> Have you tried running it directly from a terminal? Just type
> /path/to/mystery/app
> and see if it spits out any cryptic information into the terminal. That
> output might also be useful.

The application runs in Java and in a terminal I got:-
 AstroStack3LE/run-astrostack: line 2: cd: Desktop/Astrostack3LE: No such file or directory
Unable to access jarfile AstroStack3le.jar

That's odd, for some reason the report has altered the S of AstroStack
from upper case to lower case.

> After 2 AM here - good luck with, it and let us know what you get from the
> above ideas.

Thanks and I hope you slept well.


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