Rebuilt kernel => no consoles?

David Abrahams dave at
Tue Aug 22 15:55:53 UTC 2006

Alan, thanks very much for replying.

Alan Mckinnon <alan at> writes:

> On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 13:40 -0400, David Abrahams wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just rebuilt the ubuntu 2.6.15 kernel from source (and applied the
>> linux-phc patch) and I get no consoles with the new kernel when either
>> "vga=791" or "splash" appear in the boot parameters.  I do get gnome,
>> but ctrl-alt-F1 gives me a blank screen.  Does anyone know what I did
>> wrong?  I didn't do anything special to include restricted modules,
>> but I don't think my hardware depends on them.  Any help much
>> appreciated!
> Funny you should mention that, I made the same mistake recently on
> another distro... A few settings that are easy to miss:
> Device drivers -> Character devices -> Virtual terminal
> Device drivers -> Graphics support -> Console display driver support
> You need a frame buffer to use vga=791 or splash, which one did you
> select, and what is your video hardware?

I didn't do anything explicit.  Since I started with 

  make oldconfig

I assumed it would be set up the same way the stock kernels are (?)

I could do the process over and look at the menu, but it's a
nontrivial thing because I then have to build/install ATI's fglrx,
which usually takes two tries, and then after that the system won't
recognize my wireless card (ipw3945 -- I'm still not sure what magic
incantation makes it work), and NetworkManager will be all messed up.

> Finally, can your display support 1024x768-16? It should, I just thought
> I should  ask and make sure :-)

Oh sure.  It works with the stock kernels.  In fact, until fglrx
starts, I can use vga=884.  Too bad fglrx garbles it.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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