Changing from Windows

Brian Delaney halfhand at
Mon Aug 21 01:04:39 UTC 2006

Ted Quick wrote:
> I'm working on moving from Windows XP (which I've always hated) to Kubuntu Dapper. Petty new at
> this,
> There are a few loose ends that I'm trying to get straightened out so that I can move over
> totally. I have a specialzed Windows program for my insu;in pump which I'd really like to run
> using WINE. It seems to go into the Setup OK, until it tries to start up Internet Explorer to
> register the software at their website, and then it aborts.
> Is there any way to run IE (or fake it) in Linux or am I stuck using Win XP in dual boot mode?
> Ted Quick
> Need a website? Look at:
Hi Ted,
         You could try using Opera and tell it to masquerade as IE 6.0 I 
have done this before and it worked quite well.

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