FLAC / OGG converting to MP3

holomorph ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sun Aug 20 04:14:39 UTC 2006

Ok, while trying to figure out a good way to convert a directory tree of
flac files to mp3 I found bits of this post, and also another similar
post ('here'
(http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-84178.html)) uuseful,
thanks.  Unfortunately, none of these scripts quite met my needs; I
wanted to convert the whole tree in one go, have the mp3 files end up
in a separate (but identically structured) tree, and preserve the meta
info.  So I ended up writing my own script, and just wanted to share it

You will need the flac, lame, and python-flac packages installed for
this to work.

---------------------------- flac2mp3.py ----------------------------



  import os, sys

  import flac.metadata as metadata


  if len(sys.argv) != 2 and len(sys.argv) != 3:

  print 'usage: \n\t flac2mp3.py source_directory [output_directory]'



  inputdir = sys.argv[1]


  if len(sys.argv) == 3:

  outputdir = sys.argv[2]


  outputdir = sys.argv[1]


  chain = metadata.Chain()

  it = metadata.Iterator()


  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(inputdir):

  print 'processing' +root

  destination = root.replace(inputdir,outputdir,1)

  if not os.path.exists(destination):


  for file in files:

  if file.endswith('.flac'):

  infile = root+'/'+file

  outfile = destination+'/'+file.replace('.flac','.mp3')

  if os.path.exists(outfile):




  block = it.get_block()

  while block.type != metadata.VORBIS_COMMENT:


  block = it.get_block()

  comment_block = block.data.vorbis_comment

  artist = title = album = genre = tracknumber = '""'

  for i in range(comment_block.num_comments):

  comment = comment_block.comments[i]

  if comment.startswith('ARTIST'):

  artist = '"'+comment.split('=')[-1]+'"'

  elif comment.startswith('TITLE'):

  title = '"'+comment.split('=')[-1]+'"'

  elif comment.startswith('ALBUM'):

  album = '"'+comment.split('=')[-1]+'"'

  elif comment.startswith('GENRE'):

  genre = '"'+comment.split('=')[-1]+'"'

  elif comment.startswith('TRACKNUMBER'):

  tracknumber = '"'+comment.split('=')[-1]+'"'

  # lets try quoting them in the command string instead of inserting \

  # since there are other special characters

  #infile = infile.replace(' ','\ ')

  #outfile = outfile.replace(' ','\ ')

  commandstring =  'flac -c -d "'+infile+'"| lame --tt '+title+' --ta '+artist+' --tl '+album+' --tg '+genre+' --tn '+tracknumber+' - "'+outfile+'"'

  print commandstring




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