kde feel

Erik Christiansen erik at dd.nec.com.au
Fri Aug 18 04:57:27 UTC 2006

On Thu, Aug 17, 2006 at 12:39:57PM +0200, Marek Pawinski wrote:
> Is there any way to open a window in Dapper desktop and it will open in 
> th next available open space on the desktop instead of opening one 
> window on top of each other.

That worked for me on debian, but doesn't on ubuntu breezy, so I have X
run the following script automatically, to place 4 xterms precisely
where I want them, and start a good mail client in one of them:


# Usage:
# "xterms"        Places two pairs of overlapped xterms on a wide screen.
# "xterms mail"   Pops up only a new email window, with mutt.

. ~/.bash_profile    # Sources ~/.bashrc

colours='-fg yellow -bg darkslategrey'

xterm $colours -sb -rightbar -cr red -geometry 100x50+650+10 -e mutt &
if [[ $1 =~ "mail" ]] ; then exit ; fi
xterm $colours -sb -rightbar -cr red -geometry 100x50+0+10 &
xterm $colours -sb -rightbar -cr red -geometry 100x50+0+63 &
xterm $colours -sb -rightbar -cr red -geometry 100x50+650+63 &

To be useful, the bash shell in the latter 3 xterms should source
~/.bash_profile, but doesn't, so I do it explicitly.

The full-height windows are more useful than 4 squat terminals, each
only a quarter screen in size, I find.

Probably the quickest way to invoke the script is to place it in


P.S. Usage is deliberately just a comment, not an invocation response,
because [ $# -eq 0 ] is used, and because it is not intended for manual

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