a faster /bin/sh (was FasterDapper)

Francisco Borges f.borges at rug.nl
Thu Aug 17 14:40:37 UTC 2006

» On Thu, Aug 17, 2006 at 10:47AM -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:

> Personally, it seems unlikely that faster-dapper is going to help me much,
> at least in this regard.  I don't run many shell scripts that take any
> great amount of time, and when I'm _in_ the shell, I want all the bashisms.

Having a faster /bin/sh might save you a sensible amount of time while

I just installed dash as the default shell, which is the usual choice of
faster /bin/sh for booting. It is AFAIK one of the stardard tips for
optimizing a Debian system, in this case, for a faster boot.

I can't tell how much my boot time was decreased because at the same
time I stopped lot's of services as well, and I couldn't get bootchart
to run properly. So I can't give you a benchmark but as far as my
experience goes, with my current laptop and other (debian) desktops, the
systems do boot faster with it.

my 2¢,

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