CUPS not printing via ipp: protocol

Rich Lott rl5 at
Thu Aug 17 12:12:20 UTC 2006

On Thursday 17 August 2006 08:55, sitara wrote:
> What I have now done is to add the printer twice on
> the host, once as raw and once with a driver. I can now print to the
> driver queue from the host and to the raw queue from other computers on
> the network. 

Yes, that's what I've done. Except I've set the printer up 4 times:
1. rawQueue, as discussed
2. with drivers - set up for photo printing
3. with drivers - set up for normal printing
4. with drivers - set up for draft printing.

Also (don't know if this is advantageous) I've set up the host printers with 
the drivers (2,3,4) to point to ipp://localhost/printers/rawQueue, ie. (1) 
instead of to the physical device itself (usb://...). This seemed logical to 
me, because to my mind, it means I can queue jobs on any of the printer 
queues and they'll all end up in one queue, fed to the one printer 

Like you, I still say it's a bug.

Glad the thread helped you.


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