ubuntu update without internet access
Florian Diesch
diesch at spamfence.net
Thu Aug 17 09:44:31 UTC 2006
sebastien <scamot2004 at gmx.at> wrote:
> Is it possible to download ubuntu updates on a USB key, or any other
> mobile mass-storage device.
> Tha means : download the appropriate files (?) and make this device
> listed in the sources.list....?
> I really wonder for my personal case because in a few months I will
> no longer have internet at home neither.
,----[ ~/bin/pkgdesc apt-zip ]
| Package: apt-zip
| Description: Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media
| These scripts simplify the process of using dselect and apt on a
| non-networked Debian box, using removable media like ZIP floppies and
| USB keys.
| One generates a `fetch' script (supporting backends such as wget and
| lftp, in a modular, extensible way) to be run on a host with better
| connectivity, check space constraints of your removable media, and
| then install the package on your Debian box.
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