How can I isntall pose in my Ubuntu 6.06?

erickrdch ulist at
Wed Aug 16 18:21:54 UTC 2006

this is what i did...

first i also downloaded a debian .deb package and try to install it but
i got a dependency problem, daper uses libfltk1.1 but debian package is
looking for libfltk1.1c102 so i extract the .deb file, fix the name
problem, rebuild my new .deb file and install it without problems :)

the complete instructions are here:

first, go to and search for "pose"

download pose_3.5-7_i386.deb (that is the current version)

follow the next commands in the path where you download the .deb

    $ mkdir pose.tmp

  $ dpkg-deb --extract pose_3.5-7_i386.deb pose.tmp

  $ dpkg-deb --control pose_3.5-7_i386.deb pose.tmp/DEBIAN

now it is time to fix the dependencies, so edit with you prefered
editor, in my case nano:

    $ nano pose.tmp/DEBIAN/control

look for the wrong name, in this case libfltk1.1c102 and leave it as
libfltk1.1 save your file and exit your editor

now, it is time to create a new .deb package:

    $ dpkg --build pose.tmp

  $ mv pose.tmp.deb pose_3.5-7_i386.deb

and now install it

    $ sudo dpkg -i pose_3.5-7_i386.deb

and you are done.

ps. sorry for my bad english.


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