"expert" installation mode [was: Installation Options? (-alternate CD)]

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Wed Aug 16 19:31:49 UTC 2006

David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> writes:

> Some things I can't find an explanation for out there:
> 1. What are the details of differences between  "OEM mode" and "text
>    mode" installation?

I found out, for anyone who's curious, by trying OEM mode.  It
proceeds exactly like a regular install as far as I can tell, but
instead of letting you specify a username, it sets up an Adminstrator
user named "oem".  

You're expected to do any OEM-specific configuration and set up a
user, and when you're done you run oem-config-prepare, which makes it
delete the oem user on the next reboot, whereupon it puts you through
the usual Language and Location/Keyboard layout/Time Zone dialog
before you can log in.

Clearly useful for... OEMs, but not for me.

> 2. What is "expert mode" (vs. "normal mode") -- the F6 option?

I'd still like to know, and I'd like to find out without having to do
a whole new install :)

> 3. Is there a way I can get more control over what is installed by
>    default?

Ditto :)


Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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