GNOME Question: Why sudden change from breadcrumbs?

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Wed Aug 16 07:43:10 UTC 2006

I first thought that the location bar would be permanent, just like
browser_mode to spatial, then soon vice-versa. I soon find out that the user
can turn "breadcrumbs/location bar" mode by pressing the "text editor" icon
on the leftmost corner.. breadcrumbs mode is still the "default" when
launching nautilus. but, wait a minute, "text editor" icon related to
turn-on/off that feature?

Anyways, people will be happier in the next version, because, GNOME feels
very responsive, icons in the menus appear instantanously, and 2.0.3 loads 50% much faster than before, and you'll get a
funky usplash theme that reminds me of the props used in new wave MTV's
during the 80's and early 90's. I tried Edgy btw to test this out, GARNOME
is still compiling as I speak.

On 8/15/06, Duncan Lithgow <duncan at> wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-08-15 at 15:14 +0800, Joel Bryan Juliano wrote:
> > I saw the screenshots of the new GNOME Beta, and currently I'm doing
> > GARNOME in our university to test it out, and just wondering why the
> > developers made this decision? Is it a good change from the
> > breadcrumbs to location bar?
> I haven't seen it, but if we're talking about using the location bar in
> nautilus instead of those buttons then yes, it's an improvement. I think
> it also helps less tech savvy users understand how paths are written -
> that's still a mystery for many windows users.
> What I hope it does, or does next, is that you can click on the
> directory names to open them, but if you double click _after_ the end of
> the path you get it selected as plain text and can then copy it.
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