Ubuntu small business server

Jacob jacobchappelle at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 15:51:47 UTC 2006

Need we say any more...

Filed under: Opinions <http://www.modmeup.net/?cat=1>,
Satire/Sarcasm <http://www.modmeup.net/?cat=6> — senectus @ 11:12 pm

I can't decide what's dumber.
Me, for working late into the night remotely from home and because I was
tired shutting the server down instead of rebooting it…
Or Microsoft, for have the default choice in their Server 2003 product of
"Install updates and shutdown" instead of the vastly more logical and
expected choice of "Install updates and reboot".

Either way the result is me driving back into work at the late hours of the
night so I can reboot a fricken server.
I really need to get Ilo working so I don't have to do that again.

On 8/15/06, Senectus . <senectus at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15/08/06, Bernd Pörner <bernd.poerner at gmx.net> wrote:
> > So, where's the point?
> As much as I hate working with MS's products.. the latest incarnation
> of MS SBS is pretty darned good.
> The Remote Web Workplace is bloody fantastic as is the integrated
> share point and Volume Shadow Copy.
> Shared Modem services are also pretty hot stuff.. and as far as I know
> the only Linux product that come even close to the usefulness of MS
> SBS is the e-smith distro (I think it's now called SME Server).
> --
> www.modmeup.net
> Ubuntu Dapper 6.06
> The less you know, the more you believe. - Bono
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