also Grub problem

Rene Richard van Hassel r.r.v.hassel at
Tue Aug 15 11:20:37 UTC 2006

Hellow everybody,

I read Grub in a email and I have also a problem with Grub.
Ubuntu is the only operating system on my PC. 
Grub searches for /dev/hd0 ore something like that,
he can not find it and so the PC stops, with 
an error message of Grub.
Therefore I thought let I use the alternate version 
of Ubuntu, but no succes, the ext3 file system I 
cann't found by the partioning of the harddisks,



(Type of machine: unknown, the harddisks: Western-Digital, 
the Cd-rom: NEC (I think), the flat screen: samsung 172 V)


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