Command not found - SOLVED

Lorin Pino ljpino at
Sun Aug 13 19:14:30 UTC 2006

Stephen Liu wrote:

>Hi Lorin,
>>Have you used your file manager to see if there is an executable for 
>>jrockit in /usr/bin/ ?
>I looked at System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager
>and could not find "jrockit" there.
>$ sudo ls -al /usr/bin/ | grep jrockit
>$ sudo ls -al /usr/bin/ | grep jro*
>$ sudo ls -al /usr/bin/ | grep jr*
>$ sudo ls -al /usr/local/bin/ | grep jrockit
>$ sudo ls -al /usr/local/bin/ | grep jro*
>$ sudo ls -al /usr/local/bin/ | grep jr*
>All no printout
>I doubt whether this package can be started alone OR it is a plugin OR
>a VM (Virtue Machine)?
you might want to use your file manager (nautilus/konq) and look at a 
list in each directory instead of just trying cli.  Is it possible that 
it would be listed under jboss?

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