Lite On DVD Drive

Tresmer ulist at
Sun Aug 13 06:28:23 UTC 2006

I found this link informative:

> Given its semi-official status and the fact that this utility works only
> with limited number of units, installation procedure abstains from
> installing dvd+rw-booktype set-root-uid, leaving this security
> sensitive choice to the end-user. 
I had the same problem until I prefaced it with sudo

anthony at anthony-desktop:~$ dvd+rw-booktype -dvd-rom-spec -unit+r
This program targets units of RICOH, BENQ, BTC and LITE-ON designs.
/dev/dvd doesn't appear to be one. Exiting.

anthony at anthony-desktop:~$ sudo dvd+rw-booktype -dvd-rom-spec -unit+r
Unit was instructed to brand DVD+plus media as DVD-ROM
anthony at anthony-desktop:~$

Works like a charm.


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