Can no longer connect to Internet - can use on home network

Dick Davies rasputnik at
Sat Aug 12 08:54:25 UTC 2006

On 12/08/06, Nigel Eke <ulist at> wrote:
> Okay problem not fully resolved...
> It appears the DNS entry is getting deleted.  I can write an entry and
> all is fine, until I reboot the PC.  Then I need to re-add the DNS
> entry to get things to work again.

That'll be DHCP - it usually overwrites /etc/resolv.conf with
whatever nameservers were provided by the DHCP server.

Just uncomment the following line in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf
(set the right nameserver obviously)

#prepend domain-name-servers;

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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