Doesn't Linux have a decent usenet reader?

Eric Hanchrow offby1 at
Sat Aug 12 00:27:39 UTC 2006

>>>>> "David" == David Abrahams <dave at> writes:

    David> ... Gnus is insanely difficult to learn if you just want to
    David> read your mail and news.  

Well, sure :-)

I cobbled together a .gnus that works, mostly through trial and
error.  I'm terrified of changing anything in it.  Are you suggesting
that this isn't normal?
    David> I'm going along with a half-*ssed understanding of how it
    David> works 

That's approximately one-quarter of an ass' worth more understanding
than I have.  I envy you.

    David> I guess it's time for me to make this real:

Good luck.

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