Doesn't Linux have a decent usenet reader?

David Abrahams dave at
Fri Aug 11 23:41:10 UTC 2006

Eric Hanchrow <offby1 at> writes:

> Just a data point: I've been using Gnus -- a news-and-mail reader
> built into GNU Emacs -- for years, 

Me too.

> happily.

...somewhat disgruntledly, in my case.  It can do almost anything you
want, but Gnus is insanely difficult to learn if you just want to read
your mail and news.  I'm going along with a half-*ssed understanding
of how it works and mostly getting it to work for me, but lots of
things about it are suboptimal.  I guess it's time for me to make this
real:  Comments welcome :)

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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