Installing and Uninstalling TTF Fonts

Bernd Pörner bernd.poerner at
Fri Aug 11 13:15:32 UTC 2006

Nathan Sivin wrote:
> I was surprised to find nothing about installing and--equally 
> important--uninstalling fonts in previous posts and various manuals, 
> including the _OpenOffice 2.0 Writer Guide._ Some posts about 
> installation in other Linux distributions give the impression that 
> installing is a good bit more complicated than just putting fonts in the 
> font directory.
> Specifically, I want to get rid of most of the TTF fonts that load 
> automatically when I fire up Writer, since more than half seem to be for 
> Indian and other languages that I don't read. I also want to install the 
> TTF fonts that I use in Windows on the same dual-booting computer--not 
> the "core fonts," but a few less boring ones such as Palatino Linotype, 
> my default serif font, and Simsun, the Unicode font that I use for 
> Chinese and Japanese.
> Has anyone recorded step-by-step instructions for installing and 
> uninstalling TTF (and TTC) fonts? I notice, by the way, that in Ubuntu a 
> font family is stored in its own folder, but no special procedure is 
> needed to give Writer access to all the individual fonts in the folder.
In Ubuntu, you can install TTF fonts by creating a folder ".fonts" in 
your home directory and putting the desired fonts into this directory. 
That's it.


> Thanks and cheers,

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