Installing and Uninstalling TTF Fonts

Nathan Sivin nsivin at
Fri Aug 11 13:01:36 UTC 2006

I was surprised to find nothing about installing and--equally 
important--uninstalling fonts in previous posts and various manuals, 
including the _OpenOffice 2.0 Writer Guide._ Some posts about 
installation in other Linux distributions give the impression that 
installing is a good bit more complicated than just putting fonts in the 
font directory.

Specifically, I want to get rid of most of the TTF fonts that load 
automatically when I fire up Writer, since more than half seem to be for 
Indian and other languages that I don't read. I also want to install the 
TTF fonts that I use in Windows on the same dual-booting computer--not 
the "core fonts," but a few less boring ones such as Palatino Linotype, 
my default serif font, and Simsun, the Unicode font that I use for 
Chinese and Japanese.

Has anyone recorded step-by-step instructions for installing and 
uninstalling TTF (and TTC) fonts? I notice, by the way, that in Ubuntu a 
font family is stored in its own folder, but no special procedure is 
needed to give Writer access to all the individual fonts in the folder.

Thanks and cheers,
Nathan Sivin
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104-6304
(215) 898-7454
nsivin at

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