Booting - Enterprise Volume Management System

Marco marco.mandl at
Fri Aug 11 00:26:27 UTC 2006

David Abrahams wrote:

> You could probably afford to uninstall EVMS.  I've been unable to get
> a convincing answer out of the EVMS people about the advantages of
> having it installed

Until now I just removed it from the initrc. The system runs fine but boots
five times faster!
> AFAICT it now operates on top of the core facilities of LVM and
> mdraid, and although ubuntu activates EVMS by default, there is no
> specific support for creating EVMS volumes in any of the installers.
> The installers do support LVM and mdraid, however.

I removed LVM and mdraid vom initrc, too.
> LVM is good for everybody, even laptop users.  But you need to rework
> your disk partitioning to use it.

What is the advantage? Isn't it just for transparently joining partitions
and disks?
> You might try removing "quiet" from your boot parameters from the GRUB
> startup screen; then you can watch the details on console 1
> (ctrl-shift-F1).  I think all that data ends up in /var/log/syslog
> even with "quiet" on the boot line, but I'm not sure.

Thanks for the hint, I'll give it a try. 


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