Booting - Enterprise Volume Management System

David Abrahams dave at
Thu Aug 10 15:30:52 UTC 2006

Marco <marco.mandl at> writes:

> Hello,
> Booting is evertime delay for minutes during the step "Starting Enterprise
> Volume Management System". Is this avoidable?

You could probably afford to uninstall EVMS.  I've been unable to get
a convincing answer out of the EVMS people about the advantages of
having it installed
AFAICT it now operates on top of the core facilities of LVM and
mdraid, and although ubuntu activates EVMS by default, there is no
specific support for creating EVMS volumes in any of the installers.
The installers do support LVM and mdraid, however.

> Immediately before that line come the steps "Starting RAID devices"
> and "Setting up LVM Volume Groups". It is a laptop without a RAID. And I
> don't see any value in the LVM. 

LVM is good for everybody, even laptop users.  But you need to rework
your disk partitioning to use it.

> Is the system starting massiv overhead
> here? 

I don't know.

> How can I avoid that?
> BTW: How can I activate the boot logging? Why is it deactivated by default?

You might try removing "quiet" from your boot parameters from the GRUB
startup screen; then you can watch the details on console 1
(ctrl-shift-F1).  I think all that data ends up in /var/log/syslog
even with "quiet" on the boot line, but I'm not sure.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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