VERY OT!!!!! Re: Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

Erik Christiansen erik at
Wed Aug 9 04:42:11 UTC 2006

On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 04:01:14AM +0200, Thomas Olsen - Instantiate-IT wrote:
> Can't we for the love of God stop this thread?! It has NOTHING to do with 
> Ubuntu and it gives so much noise on the list.
> Pleeeaaase
> -- 
> Med venlig hilsen
> Thomas Olsen

Hej Thomas,

It's not the only flotsam on this list, so a modicum of mail filtering
helps me preserve what sanity remains. If you should choose to use
procmail for this purpose, I can assist a little with the writing of
rules for dumping stuff that is not worth reading.

Rather than dump directly to /dev/null, using one or more grades of junk
mail folder allows retrieval in an emergency, which in turn allows more
aggressive dumping rules.

Op med humøret! :-)


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