Ubuntu mail - no subject.?

Alexander Skwar listen at alexander.skwar.name
Mon Aug 7 06:05:11 UTC 2006

· José Paulo Matafome Oleiro <matafomeoleiro at gmail.com>:

> P.S.: Please post your replies at the bottom of the messages or people
> get lost in this

But more importantly, please *TRIM* your quotes! That's
even more important than doing bottom post.

And please try to keep your signature at not more than 4 lines. It would
also be VERY helpful, if you'd properly delimit your signature
from the text, by using the standard "-- " delimiter before
the signature. Reason: Mail-/newsclients can then automatically
strip the signature when replying.

Alexander Skwar
Offenbar reden sie mit gespaltener Zunge.
Also sind sie Abschaum
Also spricht nix gegen plattmachen
                -- Martin Schulze

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