Ubuntu mail - no subject.?

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at verizon.net
Mon Aug 7 01:59:53 UTC 2006

James Elliott wrote:
> Hi alex
> You wrote:
> "What you see depends on how you have configured your MESSAGE FILTERS,
> the program that
> delivers your incoming mail to specific mail boxes.  You should have one
> mail box named  UBUNTU so all ubuntu email will be found there instead
> of being mixed in with other email".
> ....... and I thoroughly agree with you.  However, my mail client (Outlook 
> Express) filters according to the content of the "From"; "TO";  "Cc"; or 
> "Subject" fields, or will look for specific words in the body of the 
> message.
> I can't see how I can filter messages which do not have any standard content 
> in any of those fields?

For a while, I used OE, and had no trouble matching 
'ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com' in one of the To: or Cc: locations...


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