Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility?

paul cooke paul.cooke100 at
Fri Aug 4 17:30:54 UTC 2006

On Friday 04 August 2006 16:55, Jan Moren wrote:
> Filter on the names, it works wonders. In Evolution, right-click on the
> message, choose to create filter from message with the sender as the
> filter criterion, and set it to thow in the trash. You never have to
> read anything from those people again.

better still, find something unique in the references and filter on that, then 
you won't have to the read replies to them either...

 [big snip...] 
> --
> Dr. Jan Morén (mr)
> Japan:  090-3622 8920           jan.moren at
> Sweden: 031-360 7723  

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