which file system to use

Alexander Skwar listen at alexander.skwar.name
Fri Aug 4 05:59:22 UTC 2006

· John L Fjellstad <john-ubuntu at fjellstad.org>:

> Install laptop-mode.  It will disable syslog so that it doesn't try to
> write so much to the logs, and remount the mountpoint to use noatime
> (no more diskaccess every 30 sec).

The commit is not (only) because of atime. ext3 will commit to
disk, even if *nothing* has been accessed.

That said, laptop-mode is a good suggestion.

Alexander Skwar
Warum überquerte das Huhn die Straße?
  Es ist die Natur von Hühnern, Straßen zu überqueren.

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