which file system to use

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at fjellstad.org
Thu Aug 3 17:31:19 UTC 2006

"Tim Penhey" <tim at penhey.net> writes:

> Great, as long as you are not installing on a laptop.  As mentioned on
> an earlier thread, ext3 does disk access every 30 seconds, never
> allowing a laptop harddisk to spin down, and hence sucks the battery
> life.
> Given that I'm about to install on my laptop, if not ext3, then what?

Install laptop-mode.  It will disable syslog so that it doesn't try to
write so much to the logs, and remount the mountpoint to use noatime
(no more diskaccess every 30 sec).  Also do some bursty writes, throttle
the CPU etc

Here was a linux journal article about it:

John L. Fjellstad
web: http://www.fjellstad.org/          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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