CJK Chinese Japanese Korean Input Method configuration using SCIMin Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake - testing needed

Loïc Martin lomartin3 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 16:51:57 UTC 2006

linuxa a écrit :
> Loïc Martin;1325048 Wrote: 
>> linuxa a écrit :
>> In case you're replying to my previous email : no. What would be nice 
>> for the user to know is how, after having set up SCIM (to input any 
>> language, most often a CJK language) to work under his non-CJK
>> language, 
>> he can revert this change so SCIM isn't used any more under his non-CJK
>> language. Preferably without borking the system.
> To not use SCIM under the non-CJK language, couldn't you just toggle
> SCIM on/off with the default shortcut of CTRL-Space?
> e.g. 
> 1) I start up Kate. English is the default. 
> 2) I type a few lines of English text. <Enter>
> 3) Switch on SCIM popup using CTRL-Space
> 4) Type the Translation in Chinese say <Enter>
> 5) Switch off SCIM popup using CTRL-Space
> 6) I type more lines of English text
> ...
I'm not sure you've understood what meant going back to the previous 
default Dapper configuration. Switching Scim input  off using CTRL-Space 
doesn't prevent Scim to run behind.

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