ADSL Broadband connection

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Thu Aug 3 15:25:52 UTC 2006

Stephen Liu wrote:
> After saving the file broadband was connected immediately.  Playing a
> while I rebooted PC.  From that moment onwards my nightmare began.
> Broadband can't be connected even reverting the change on /etc/iftab,
> playing around on;
> System --> Administrator --> Networking/Network tools.
> I spent more than 3 hours without a solution.  The time will be
> sufficient to reinstall the complete Ubuntu-6.06 amd64.
> There were nothing wrong on the onboard LAN, ADSL modem, ISP server,
> etc. because Ubuntu-6.06 amd64 Live DVD was working nicely on this box.
> Finally I made my last resort.  Out of my expectation broadband is now
> connected.  That was the whole story.
> Remark: /etc/iftab without change same as its original.

And things are OK now?

I'm sorry that you had these problems. I tried it beforehand in a VMware 
install of Ubuntu and it worked.


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