Using a ISO file to create a virtual CD-ROM Drive

Paul Puschmann lnx at
Thu Aug 3 10:29:05 UTC 2006

Jyrki Pulliainen <jyrki.pulliainen at> schrieb am Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 01:05:04PM +0300:
> Shouldn't Ubuntu Users list be there for the users from the users even
> in case of the most trivial questions? I don't think answering in a
> question like this is a hard work nor time consuming for anyone.

It is sometimes more time consuming to mark all those threads like
'Did Ubuntu replace your Windows' or 'Praise Opera' as read.
> I've never really understood the joy of mocking people asking simple
> questions or directing them to Google instead of answering the
> questions.

Sometimes the people really do ask stupid questions.

> And the man pages can be really hard to understand sometimes, not only
> for o newbie but even for a more advanced user (like me).

Thats true, but you'll find a solution with right search terms.

I think I'll read this list for the next two and then unsubscribe.

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: Thank you.
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