
Richard A Downing FBCS CITP richard at
Tue Aug 1 07:39:02 UTC 2006

Alexander Skwar wrote:
> ยท Richard A Downing FBCS CITP <richard at>:
>> Why would any designer of software put the options for the wastebasket
>> in the file browser?  
> Why not? It makes absolute sense, as the file manager should be 
> controlled by settings made in the file manager.
> Where else should this be put?
> Alexander Skwar

Perhaps I should have said that I expected the options to be settable
using the visible waste-basket icon's right-click menu.

I guess I'm getting close to ditching GNOME again.  I try it every few
years, and eventually get so annoyed by it (same thing with Windows and
KDE, BTW) that I go back to a nice simple window manager (TWM or
OpenBox-3 for instance).  I don't think I'm an integrated desktop person.


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