Disruptive technology

Lea Gris lea.gris at noiraude.net
Sun Apr 30 14:53:30 UTC 2006

James Gray a écrit :

> I bought my first Mac, ever, a few weeks ago (Mac mini) purely because for 
> its size it gave me the most hardware bang for my buck.  It's running as a 
> server. Still, despite what my CFO would say, often value is a subjective 
> thing ;)  I could've bought a physically larger machine with more 
> CPU/RAM/Disk for far less coin, but it wouldn't be a cute as a button, and 
> have a drop dead sexy interface!  Call me a traitor, but the Mac OSX 
> interface rox IMHO, even though I spend most of my time on the command 
> line ;)

Oh dears, I'd dream a Mac Mini as a server if it had two interface cards
instead of just one. Though Ubuntu does the job at home with quite some
work because as much as many efforts maintainers put in it. Things are
not done stright or easyly. Always something to fix, configuration files
to fiddle with, bugs to work around. BTW F/OSS has my heart and most of
the time I can't afford comercial softwares licences. I prefer to do
things hard and legally than copying commercial software. Bless F/OSS
for that and shame that it eat my time more than I'd like to.

     Léa Gris - http://www.noiraude.net/
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