Disruptive technology

James Gray james at grayonline.id.au
Sun Apr 30 13:51:40 UTC 2006

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 19:11, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> James Gray wrote:
> >>Apple buyers are willing to buy vastly over-priced hardware just to run
> >> a few programs that they like a lot.
> >
> > Disagree with this for the most part.  Sure *some* of Apple's hardware
> > is overpriced and under-performing.  However I think if you're
> > referring to iPods...yes.  Way too much coin for far too little *IF*
> > you only use it as an MP3 player.  Like MS, Apple provide a whole suit
> > of products that mesh really well and people are willing to pay for
> > that level of hardware and software integration.  iPod + MacOS + iTunes
> > = Music PLATFORM, not three separate "gadgets".
> But that's precisely the point. This is a high-margin low-volume product
> that costs more than competting products but there is a market willing
> to pay the premium price because it gives them something that they
> really want and are willing to pay good coin for it.
> I certainly didn't mean to diss Apple :)

Heheh I didn't take it that way :)  I'm neither a Linux Zealot or a Mac 
die-hard (in reality, I'm comfortable with a number of operating systems 
and hardware platforms).  After a long time in the industry, I'm an "OS 
agnostic" - best tool for the job and that's all I care about.  Of course, 
I have a philosophical leaning towards F/OSS, but if it doesn't solve my 
problem, then sorry folks, I use proprietary software instead. (Richard 
Stallman can sue me later).

I bought my first Mac, ever, a few weeks ago (Mac mini) purely because for 
its size it gave me the most hardware bang for my buck.  It's running as a 
server. Still, despite what my CFO would say, often value is a subjective 
thing ;)  I could've bought a physically larger machine with more 
CPU/RAM/Disk for far less coin, but it wouldn't be a cute as a button, and 
have a drop dead sexy interface!  Call me a traitor, but the Mac OSX 
interface rox IMHO, even though I spend most of my time on the command 
line ;)


I wish I was a sex-starved manicurist found dead in the Bronx!!
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