off topic

Charles Yao yaocharlesc at
Sun Apr 30 14:04:03 UTC 2006

On 4/29/06, Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter at> wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-29-04 at 15:42 +0700, Chanchao wrote:
> I could paint the main switch on my UPS red.  That's kind of big and
> more satisfying to hit in a fit of rage compared to holding a flimsy
> plastic power button for 5 seconds.
> I've found that I need to move my hatchet and my cleaver to the other end
> of my home when working on anything vaguely supported under Ubuntu.  If I
> don't there's a severe risk that I'll reprogram the system very
> drastically....
> [image: ;)]
>  > So far I've managed to dodge the printing bullet, but I expect in the
> > relatively near future to need a printer attached as printing in the
> > office is inconvenient.  I've heard nothing good about setting up
> > printing under Ubuntu either.
>   It's okay. :)  Just whatever you do: Make sure you get an HP printer,
> preferably a Laserjet, and then preferably one with a print server built
> in that plugs straight into your network hub.
> My first problem with printing under Ubuntu was with a Laserjet.
> Everything worked except the actual, you know, printing.  System found the
> printer, identified its type correctly, figured out the port it was on, etc.
> etc. etc.  Then it sent the test page and nothing ever happened.  (Except
> for reporting that the test page was successfully sent, natch.)  This was
> back with Hoary and the system I set it up on is long gone.  But eventually
> I will have to take the hit, buy myself a printer and do it all over again.
> Bugger.

Took me 2 weeks to get my first ubuntu working. Im hoping its a lot easier
in dapper.

> *Michael T. Richter*
> *Email:* ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at
> *MSN:* ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at; *YIM:*michael_richter_1966;
> *AIM:* YanJiahua1966; *ICQ:* 241960658; *Jabber:* mtr1966 at
> *"[Blacks] secrete less by the kidneys, and more by the glands of the
> skin, which gives them a very strong and disagreeable odour."* *--Thomas
> Jefferson*
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sometimes lose everything becuase the thing you bought was incapable of
doing the thing it was bought to do"
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