Desktop launcher as root

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Sat Apr 29 23:01:16 UTC 2006

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 18:33:40 -0400
Frank McCormick <fmccormick at> wrote:

>    I've been trying unsucessfully to create a desktop launcher for midnight commander but as root. I've tried gksu, gksudo, sudo, su, and gksuexec. I guess the catch is mc has to be run in a terminal as root. Nothing I have tried works. Got any suggestions, I must be missing something obvious!

Try a "normal" launcher with

xterm -e sudo mc


gnome-terminal -e "sudo mc"

Gnome-terminal insists on the quotes, for some unfathomable reason. I
guess Gnome just likes to continue a great Unix tradition, by doing
everything slightly, but not completely, differently from every other known
terminal emulator ;-)

The terminal window should pop up with a password prompt, and mc should
start on entry of your password.



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