off topic

William Grant tanarrifujitsu at
Sat Apr 29 00:11:55 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 16:26 +0800, Michael T. Richter wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-28-04 at 14:14 +0700, Chanchao wrote: 
> > > Linux could replace Window$ servers, but not the multi-lingual and
> > > games desktop.
> > Why not multi-lingual?  I think Ubuntu supports more languages than
> > Windows?  Like, there currently isn't a Thai language version of Windows
> > XP where everything is translated to Thai. 
> One of the differences is the degree of support.  If a language is
> supported under Windows, it's usually quite well-supported.  Using
> Chinese, however, as an example, the support provided by Ubuntu
> (Breezy) is pathetic out of the box.  If you stick to the official
> software, you have crappy screen fonts (I mean really horrible-looking
> ones!), translated help and menus for OpenOffice and for GNOME, and
> that's about it.  Note that actually entering Chinese text?  Isn't
> there.
> Now if you have the patience you can download SCIM, figure out which
> of its umpteen modules actually work (together) and get something that
> supports Chinese entry.  It's undocumented, mostly, which makes
> figuring out how to use it less than easy, but at least it's there.
> Of course to get it you have to switch to the unsupported software
> (which would explain the difficulty of use, et al).

6.06's language selection tools configures SCIM and everything with a
single click.

> --
> Michael T. Richter

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