Write an audio CD

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Fri Apr 28 21:28:45 UTC 2006

Colin Brace wrote:
>> I know that Nautilus is theoretically capable of doing this
> How do you know this? Where is it documented? The Gnome help system
> makes no mention of this.

Well... you see, I'm confused. The first two times I burnt a CD I got a 
dialog asking if I wanted to burn a data CD or an audio CD. Those times 
I wanted a data CD so I clicked on that. The third time I wanted an 
audio CD, but I got no pop-up. And I spent an hour trying to find out 
how to do the audio CD.

      /\/`) http://opendocumentfellowship.org
    /\/_/   ...and starting today, all passwords must contain
    \/_/    letters, numbers, doodles, sign language and
    /       squirrel noises.

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